On this page you will find information on recordings of past Dog Guide Handlers conferences.
You can use the links below to take you to a particular conference.
- DGHA Conference 2023
- DGHA Conference 2021
- DGHA Conference 2018
- DGHA Conference 2016
- DGHA Conference 2014
DGHA 2023 National Dog Guide Handlers Conference
Dog Guide Handlers Australia held its biennial conference on 4, 5 and 6 August 2023.
Some highlights of the conference were:
- Pre and post conference activities provided by various companies including sensory and supported tourism and dog trainers
- Cocktail party and expo on Friday evening 4 August
- A jam packed conference program on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 August including a group walk around the Botanic Gardens next to the Brisbane River, ‘Be The Change’ workshop, and plenty of time to catch up with new and old friends
- A dinner on Saturday night which included presentation of the Judith Killen Golden Harness Award
Audio of conference presentations.
Welcome and keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker: Iain Edwards, executive leader with lived experience of blindness and a Dog Guide Handler, current Director of Operations at Peninsula Health, Victoria – Leadership with lived experience in our Dog Guide Schools and the importance of using your voice in formal and informal leadership roles
Presentation overview:
Iain will share insights from his professional life as a leader with lived experience of blindness and as a Dog Guide Handler. He will discuss the importance of Handlers using their voice through formal and informal leadership roles to help shape a more accessible world for Dog Guide Handlers.
Audio length 47 minutes in MP3 format.
Welcome and Keynote Speaker: Iain Edwards audio
Leigh Spillane and Chelsea Cosgrave, Guide Dog Trainers from Guide Dogs NSW/ACT – Research on Ruffwear Harness
Presentation overview
In 2018, in response to feedback from handlers about the aesthetics, function and ergonomics of their Guide Dog harness, a study was conducted. This study included seeking feedback about the current harness as well as a trial to investigate possible alternative harnesses that would meet both handler and their dog’s needs.
In 2022 Guide Dogs NSW/ACT began making the Ruffwear Unifly harness available to handlers for use with their Guide Dogs.
This session will give a brief overview of the harness trial as well as present some benefits and disadvantages of different harness types with a focus on the Ruffwear Unifly.
Handlers will be encouraged to participate in this session and share their own experiences with different harnesses.
Audio length 28 minutes in MP3 format.
Research on Ruffwear Harness audio
Bryce Tolliday – A disability discrimination advocacy case study with a positive outcome
Presentation overview
Ryan v SCHHS – non-compliant hospital costs Queensland taxpayers millions
A landmark court ruling in Queensland ordering the rectification of numerous poor design aspects of a multi-billion dollar hospital has established a long overdue precedent for people who are legally blind under the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1991 and will hopefully lead to substantial changes in the way major public buildings are designed to assist vision impaired people.
On July 7 2021, Judge Jarrett of the Federal Circuit Court in Brisbane handed down his decision in the Ryan v SCHHS complaint. The complaint was made under the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1991 (DDA) by Mr Peter Ryan, a man who was legally blind. He complained that he had experienced disadvantage and discrimination in the way access was provided for him to and within the Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH), a hospital that was constructed under a Private Public Partnership (PPP) and purportedly complied with the National Construction Code (NCC) and the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 (DAPS) at a cost of almost $2 billion. The building won numerous awards for its design including the F. D. G. Stanley Award for Public Architecture from the Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA).
Mr Ryan alleged that the SCHHS in constructing the SCUH breached s.6, 23, 24 and 32 of the DDA. Further he alleged that the SCHHS also breached parts of the DAPS. It is interesting to note that the DAPS also mirrors some parts of the NCC. The building was issued with a certificate of classification by a building certifier, meaning this building certifier deemed that the SCUH complied with the NCC.
This landmark decision established a long overdue precedent for people who are legally blind under the DDA, raises some serious questions about some Australian Standards, the NCC and the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards. It also firmly and clearly established the Disability Discrimination Act (Clth) 1991 as the primary and minimum compliance mechanism for access to premises for people with disabilities.
This presentation will provide a background to Mr Ryan’s complaint and will review the decision of Judge Jarrett and the impacts this decision should have on access for people who are legally blind within the built environment.
Audio length 30 minutes in MP3 format.
A disability discrimination advocacy case study audio
Panel discussion – Technology for navigation
three presentations followed by question and answer session.
- Speaker 1: Damian McMorrow, Access Technology Manager, Vision Australia – Wearable technology for navigating with low vision or blindness
- Speaker 2: Vivian Bell, Assistive Technology Specialist, Humanware – using Braille display, audio display and GPS technology for navigating outdoors with low vision or blindness
- Speaker 3: Tony Burrett, Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder of BindiMaps, – indoor navigation with low vision or blindness
Audio length 1 hour 3 minutes in MP3 format.
Technology for navigation audio
Public Interest Advocacy Centre – Complaints and discrimination claims; durable solutions for taxi and rideshare companies to adopt
Hosted by Katie Butler
Speakers, Mitchell Skipsey and Michelle Cohen from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre.
Audio length 55 minutes in MP3 format.
durable solutions for taxi and rideshare companies to adopt audio
Keynote speaker Amanda Muller: Shifting the burden of Dog Guide refusal from victim to perpetrator and the PawsRight Appp
Amanda Muller is an Associate Professor, College of Nursing and Health Science, Flinders University, Adelaide.
Presentation overview
Dr Muller will present her current work on collating handler reports on refusals to access in the land transport, retail, food, and accommodation domains. She will introduce a new national reporting app and explain the rationale behind it. She will also talk about her activities with Assistance Dog groups to collate hard evidence about refusals, such as how many, where, and who, to push for change in policy and how perpetrators of refusal are treated. Currently, the system places the burden on the ‘victim’ of an unlawful act through self-advocacy, and the focus needs to change to being on the ‘perpetrator’ by seeking suitable deterrence and responses to refusals. Dr Muller will explain how the hard evidence base of the strategy she is collaborating on should result in real change over time.
Audio length 31 minutes in MP3 format.
Shifting the burden of Dog Guide refusal from victim to perpetrator audio
Judith Killen Golden Harness Award presentation
At the DGHA conference dinner the presentation of the Judith Killen Golden Harness Award and the first presentation of the Golden Paw award.
Audio length 15 minutes in MP3 format.
DGHA Awards Presentation audio
1. Welcome and Roll Call.
2. Approval of 2022 DGHA AGM Minutes.
3. Approval of 2023 Annual Reports.
4. Voting on Election of Positions for DGHA Committee.
5. Any Other Business.
6. Meeting Close.
Audio length 31 minutes in MP3 format.
Nina Smith – Stop Taxi and Rideshare Refusals
Presentation overview
Stop Taxi & Rideshare Refusals
In her presentation, Nina will outline a recent initiative in which senior members of 5 key organisations will come together to form an Advisory Group to provide stakeholders recommendations to address taxi and rideshare refusals. These organisations include:
- Guide Dogs Australia
- Assistance Dogs Australia
- Blind Citizens Australia
- TravelPaws
Nina is Chairing this committee and Annette Ferguson will represent DGHA.
The Advisory Group will be co-designing with a joint working group comprised of Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission, Department of Transport & Planning and the Regulator, Safe Transport Victoria.
Nina will outline how these initiatives came about and how they will address this key issue.
Audio length 25 minutes in MP3 format.
Stop Taxi and Rideshare Refusals audio
Dr Nicola Cotton – How Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs assesses and selects dogs for breeding in order to produce a continually improving quality of dog for Clients
Presentation overview
A dog guide breeding program should aim to continually produce better quality dogs with each generation. To achieve this, Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs (SEDA) takes a comprehensive approach considering many factors. These include understanding what constitutes a high-quality working dog that meets the preferences and requirements of clients both now and into the future, what traits are causing the highest proportion of failure in the program, and how to apply selection pressure to improve traits whilst maintaining genetic diversity.
Traditionally, dogs have been assessed phenotypically, which means they are evaluated on their observable external characteristics (traits) and quantitative health screening measurements. The phenotype gives an estimate of the genetic make-up (genotype) of a dog. However the accuracy of this estimate can vary widely depending on the interaction of environmental and genetic factors that influence the expression of any given trait in each individual dog.
To improve the accuracy of the estimate of a dog’s genotype in order to accelerate improvement throughout breeding, SEDA can use estimated breeding values (EBVs) to more successfully estimate the genetic potential of each dog overall, or by specific traits. EBVs take into account not only the dog’s individual measurements but also those of all of its relatives, enabling accelerated genetic improvement.
In this presentation, Dr Nicola will explain how SEDA assesses and selects dogs for breeding in order to produce a continually improving quality of dog for clients. By carefully considering a range of factors and using data collection and analysis throughout all stages of the program, SEDA aims to produce dogs that are ideally suited to their role as working dogs, whilst ensuring to maintain genetic diversity for the sustainability of breeding for many generations to come.
Audio length 31 minutes in MP3 format.
How Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs assesses and selects dogs for breeding audio
Anna Gigliotti-Skret – Baby steps, setting dogs up for success
Presentation overview
“Never work with children or animals”, or so the saying goes. Both can be unpredictable and can prove to be a challenge to communicate easily with at times. This session will aim to give you some strategies to avoid mishaps and to put useful boundaries in place. We will discuss dog body language, displacement signals, trigger stacking and patting consent tests. The aim today is to gain a deeper understanding of your individual dog and discover how your dog can communicate whether they would like to interact or if they prefer not to.
Audio length 46 minutes in MP3 format.
setting dogs up for success audio
Paul Adrian – The International Guide Dog Federation, who are they and what do they do?
Presentation overview
The International Guide Dog Federation: Who are they and what do they do?
The International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) was formed in 1989 and currently comprises around 95 member organisations from all around the world. Member organisations share the purpose of serving people who are blind or have low vision by training and providing dog guides.
Learn how organisations attain membership and how membership supports organisations to improve the services they provide. Discover how Australians have contributed in a very substantial way to the work of the IGDF in the past and present and what initiatives the IGDF is planning for the future.
Audio length 31 minutes in MP3 format.
The International Guide Dog Federation, who are they and what do they do audio
James McFarlaine – Take the lead to improve hotel standards
Presentation overview
In this session the audience will brainstorm, debate and discuss the top ten most important attributes that make accommodation accessible for Dog Guide Handlers. This information will be used to create a resource that can be shared and used by Handlers and the tourism industry.
Audio length 37 minutes in MP3 format.
Take the lead to improve hotel standards audio
Jeremy Anderson – Update on Dog Guide warranties under NDIS
Presentation overview
There has been debate surrounding the application of guarantees under Australian Consumer Law when issues arise for Dog Guides not performing to agreed service standards. With the NDIS Review well underway, Jeremy will give an update and insights on the NDIS Assistance Animal guarantees and the NDIS dog guide advisory group discussions that are currently taking place in regard to assessments and service standard provisions.
Audio length 33 minutes in MP3 format.
Update on Dog Guide warranties under NDIS audio
Open floor, Dog Guide war stories and tales
Members and conference attendees have their say. Dog Guide war stories and tales. What are your best prodicts?
Audio length 47 minutes in MP3 format.
Dog Guide Handlers Australia 2021 National Conference
In 2021 Dog Guide Handlers Australia (DGHA) held its National Bi-Annual conference online via Zoom on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th June.
We would like to Thank the Department of Social Services for their Conference funding support and Vision Australia for their kind sponsorship.
Conference Audio and Caption Transcriptions
All times are Eastern Standard Daylight Time.
Day 1: Saturday 19 June
10:30 am – 11:00 am
Title: Opening Session:
Chair: Dr Kevin Murfitt
- Welcome
- Acknowledgement to Country
- House-keeping announcements
- Roll Call
DGHA Day 1 Caption Transcription (Word doc)
Session 1
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Title: Dog guide agencies Panel:
Chair: Claudia Stevenson
- Mary Chapell from Stapell Working Dog O and M Services
- Anna Gigliottii-Skret from Forward Thinking Dog Training
- Brooke Anderson from Seeing Eye Dogs
(60 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
- Dog Guide Training how do you determine what dog would be a good dog guide
- Clicker training
- Other breeds
Session 2
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Title: Keynote Address.
Chair: Dr Kevin Murfitt
Paul Adrian is currently a Training Manager at Seeing Eye Dogs. Paul began as a Guide Dog and Orientation and Mobility Instructor in 1984. In a career spanning over 30 years he has worked or completed assignments in Israel, USA, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia, Norway, Slovakia and Germany. Paul has a strong interest in animal behaviour and welfare and has presented at a number of national and international conferences. He has been an Assessor for the International Guide Dog Federation.
(30 minutes)
Session 3
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Title: Members Panel
Chair: John Hardie
- Nadia Mattiazzo
- Sean Tyrell
- Jen Moon
(30 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
- Dog guide refusals how to deal with them as a handler
- Legislation
- Advocacy tips
- Recent survey on assistance dog legislation
Break for lunch – 1.00 pm – 1:30 pm
Session 4
1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
Title: Emerging issues
Chair: Erika Webb
- Erica Read from Australia Post
- Representative from Blind Citizens Australia
- Silent vehicles
- Ride sharing, and taxi issues
- Advocacy tips – What Australia Post is doing around Electric Delivery Vehicles
- Melinda Bowden
- Joyce Jones
- Members questions from the Floor
- Dog accessories
- Tips and tricks
- Enrichment toys and games for dogs
- Welcome
- House-keeping announcements
- Acknowledgement to Country
- A panel of puppy walkers
- Pearl and Peter Sumner
- Letisha Watson of Seeing Eye Dogs
- Lauren Henley
- Current update on the NDIS
- Current update on My Aged Care
- Human rights and the DDA
- Nina Smith from Travel Paws
- James (Buck) McFarlane Cocky Guides
- Louise Pearson
- Dealing with grief
- Mindfulness
- Second dog Syndrome
- Past DGHA Presidents
- Rowena Dowling
- Greg Madson
- Nadia Mattiazzo
- DGHA history
- Future of DGHA
- 10-year anniversary birthday cake
- Presentation of Golden Harness award
(45 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
Session 5
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Title: From the floor
Chair: Annette Ferguson
(60 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
First day wrap-up
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
(15 minutes)
Title: Day 2 Opening Announcements
10.00 am- 10.15 am
(15 minutes)
DGHA Conference Day 2 Caption Transcription (Word doc)
Session 6
10:15 am – 11:15 am
Title: Panel – a day in the life of a puppy walker
Chair: Francois Jacobs
(60 minutes)
Session 7
11:15 am to 12:15 pm
Title: NDIS and Aged Care
Chair: Greg Madson
(60 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
Session 8
12:15 pm – 12:45 pm
Title: Domestic travel
Chair: Greg Madson
(30 minutes)
12:45 pm – 1:15pm
Session 9
1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
Title: Members Focus
Chair: Bronwyn Drew
Topics to be discussed:
(45 minutes)

Session 10
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Title: Past Presidents Panel
Chair: Dr Kevin Murfitt
(60 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
The Judith Killen Golden Harness Award is presented to a person for their outstanding efforts in fostering, representing, promoting, enhancing and protecting the interests of Australians who are blind or vision impaired and who use a dog guide.

Dog Guide Handlers Australia would like to congratulate John Gosling, the recipient of the 2021 Judith Killen Golden Harness Award.
Final Session
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Conference wrap-up
DGHA 2018 National Conference
The 2018 Dog Guide Handlers Australia National conference was held on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th November 2018 at the Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach, Cnr. The Grand Parade & Princess Street, Brighton-le-Sands NSW.
For the full info including audio of all sessions, please visit our DGHA 2018 National Conference page
DGHA 2016 National Conference
ON the weekend of 22 and 23 October 2016 Dog Guide Handlers Australia held its second national conference at the Sage hotel in Adelaide.
For the full info including audio of all sessions, please visit our DGHA 2016 National Conference page
DGHA 2014National Conference
A first in Australia! In 2014 on the weekend of 6th and 7th September, Dog Guide Handlers Australia held its first ever conference. Held in Adelaide at the Grand Chifley, the conference was a fantastic success bringing Dog Guide Handlers, their dog guides, instructors and speakers from around Australia together, to participate in a range of workshops and engage in some great networking and peer support activity.

During the conference dinner, the inaugural Dog Guide Handlers Australia Judith Killen Golden Harness Award was presented. This award is presented to a person for their outstanding efforts in fostering, representing, promoting, enhancing and protecting the interests of Australians who are blind or vision impaired and who use a dog guide.
Dog Guide Handlers Australia would like to congratulate Rowena Dowling, the first ever recipient of the Judith Killen Golden Harness Award.
Peter Greco from the RPH Adelaide radio show “Focal Point” interviewed Rowena on her receiving the award. Rowena’s interview is about 10 minutes in. To listen go to Focal Point

Episode 366 of the Blind Citizens Australia radio show, New Horizons, featured Joyce Jones, an attendee at the DGHA 2014 conference, and Rowena Dowling, speaking on recieving her Golden Harness Award.
to listen go to New Horizons episode 366
Dog Guide Handlers Australia would like to thank Guide Dogs Australia, Seeing Eye dogs Australia, the Royal Society for the Blind, Naturopaws, Blue Print Studios and BM PetSnax (supplying dog treats) for their support of the 2014 Dog Guide Handlers Australia conference.
2014 Conference Recordings
Recordings of the DGHA 2014 Conference are availible. Please use the links below to access the audio. Some files are quite large and might take a few minutes to start.
Day 1 – Saturday 6 September 2014.
- Workshop 1 After a rollcall we hear from David Foran on Dog Guides and the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Audio length around 110 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 2 We hear From Paul Adrian, Manager Guide Dog Services – Victoria Guide Dogs, about the history of dog guide training up to the latest Clicker Training methods. Audio length around 75 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 3 We hear from Harry Van Der Jagt, National Manager Client Services – Seeing Eye Dogs Australia, and some experienced dog guide handlers about the range of equipment used with dog guides. Audio length around 50 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 4 Dorothy Docherty, Consumer Advisory Representative – Guide Dogs Victoria, and Nadia Mattiazzo – Consumer Advisory Representative – Seeing Eye Dogs Australia, speak about dog guide handlers and schools working together. Audio length around 55 minutes in MP3 format.
- DGHA 2014 AGM Dog Guide Handlers Australia 2014 Annual General Meeting. Audio length around 30 minutes in MP3 format.
Day 2 – Sunday 7 September 2014.
- Workshop 5 Beth Critchley, Certified canine natural therapist from Naturopaws, speaks about caring for your dog guide. Audio length around 40 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 6 Harry van der Jagt, National Manager Client Services SEDA, speaks about the New SEDA kennels and Recent discussions with Melbourne Zoo on Dog Guide Access. Audio length around 50 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 7 Daisy Holt, cadet Guide Dog Mobility Instructor – Royal Society for the Blind South Australia, speaks about training with other breeds for use as dog guides. Audio length around 30 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 8 Dog Guide Handlers Australia members, Nadia Mattiazzo, Nicole Damarra and Tracey Cross discuss various issues including – traveling with your dog guide, dog distraction, pet insurance, retiring a dog guide and starting with a new dog guide and tips and tricks. Audio length around 45 minutes in MP3 format.