On this page you will find audio of DGHA past conferences, and presentations of special guest speakers at members meetings. The links below will quickly take you to the different sections of this page
- 2021 National Conference Audio
- 2018 National Conference Audio
- 2016 National Conference Audio
- 2014 National Conference Audio
- Members Meeting Audio

Dog Guide Handlers Australia 2021 National Conference
In 2021 Dog Guide Handlers Australia (DGHA) held its National Bi-Annual conference online via Zoom on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th June.
We would like to Thank the Department of Social Services for their Conference funding support and Vision Australia for their kind sponsorship.
DGHA 2021 Conference Audio and Caption Transcriptions
All times are Eastern Standard Daylight Time.
Day 1: Saturday 19 June
10:30 am – 11:00 am
Title: Opening Session:
Chair: Dr Kevin Murfitt
- Welcome
- Acknowledgement to Country
- House-keeping announcements
- Roll Call
DGHA Day 1 Caption Transcription (Word doc)
Session 1
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Title: Dog guide agencies Panel:
Chair: Claudia Stevenson
- Mary Chapell from Stapell Working Dog O and M Services
- Anna Gigliottii-Skret from Forward Thinking Dog Training
- Brooke Anderson from Seeing Eye Dogs
(60 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
- Dog Guide Training how do you determine what dog would be a good dog guide
- Clicker training
- Other breeds
Session 2
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Title: Keynote Address.
Chair: Dr Kevin Murfitt
Paul Adrian is currently a Training Manager at Seeing Eye Dogs. Paul began as a Guide Dog and Orientation and Mobility Instructor in 1984. In a career spanning over 30 years he has worked or completed assignments in Israel, USA, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia, Norway, Slovakia and Germany. Paul has a strong interest in animal behaviour and welfare and has presented at a number of national and international conferences. He has been an Assessor for the International Guide Dog Federation.
(30 minutes)
Session 3
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Title: Members Panel
Chair: John Hardie
- Nadia Mattiazzo
- Sean Tyrell
- Jen Moon
(30 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
- Dog guide refusals how to deal with them as a handler
- Legislation
- Advocacy tips
- Recent survey on assistance dog legislation
Break for lunch – 1.00 pm – 1:30 pm
Session 4
1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
Title: Emerging issues
Chair: Erika Webb
- Erica Read from Australia Post
- Representative from Blind Citizens Australia
- Silent vehicles
- Ride sharing, and taxi issues
- Advocacy tips – What Australia Post is doing around Electric Delivery Vehicles
- Melinda Bowden
- Joyce Jones
- Members questions from the Floor
- Dog accessories
- Tips and tricks
- Enrichment toys and games for dogs
- Welcome
- House-keeping announcements
- Acknowledgement to Country
- A panel of puppy walkers
- Pearl and Peter Sumner
- Letisha Watson of Seeing Eye Dogs
- Lauren Henley
- Current update on the NDIS
- Current update on My Aged Care
- Human rights and the DDA
- Nina Smith from Travel Paws
- James (Buck) McFarlane Cocky Guides
- Louise Pearson
- Dealing with grief
- Mindfulness
- Second dog Syndrome
- Past DGHA Presidents
- Rowena Dowling
- Greg Madson
- Nadia Mattiazzo
- DGHA history
- Future of DGHA
- 10-year anniversary birthday cake
- Presentation of Golden Harness award
(45 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
Session 5
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Title: From the floor
Chair: Annette Ferguson
(60 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
First day wrap-up
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
(15 minutes)
Title: Day 2 Opening Announcements
10.00 am- 10.15 am
(15 minutes)
DGHA Conference Day 2 Caption Transcription (Word doc)
Session 6
10:15 am – 11:15 am
Title: Panel – a day in the life of a puppy walker
Chair: Francois Jacobs
(60 minutes)
Session 7
11:15 am to 12:15 pm
Title: NDIS and Aged Care
Chair: Greg Madson
(60 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
Session 8
12:15 pm – 12:45 pm
Title: Domestic travel
Chair: Greg Madson
(30 minutes)
12:45 pm – 1:15pm
Session 9
1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
Title: Members Focus
Chair: Bronwyn Drew
Topics to be discussed:
(45 minutes)

Session 10
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Title: Past Presidents Panel
Chair: Dr Kevin Murfitt
(60 minutes)
Topics to be discussed:
The Judith Killen Golden Harness Award is presented to a person for their outstanding efforts in fostering, representing, promoting, enhancing and protecting the interests of Australians who are blind or vision impaired and who use a dog guide.

Dog Guide Handlers Australia would like to congratulate John Gosling, the recipient of the 2021 Judith Killen Golden Harness Award.
Final Session
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Conference wrap-up
Audio of DGHA 2016 National Conference
The 2018 Dog Guide Handlers Australia National conference was held on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th November 2018 at the Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach, Cnr. The Grand Parade & Princess Street, Brighton-le-Sands NSW.
The Conference was a fantastic success! We had 44 attendees, 27 dog guides, and a puppy in training, enjoying the weekend and participating in some great sessions and networking opportunity.
Prior to the conference a Guest on Vision Extra (29 August 2018) Nadia Mattiazzo, President of Dog Guide Handlers Australia, inviting all to attend .
To listen to the interview go to:
Conference Funding and Thanks
With kind sponsorship from Guide Dogs Australia and Seeing Eye Dogs, DGHA was able to assist many current Dog Guide Handlers on low incomes to cover conference registration and assistance towards cost of travel and accommodation.
This funding support has given Dog Guide Handlers who otherwise would not be able to attend the opportunity to participate in the conference. We would like to thank Guide Dogs Australia and Seeing Eye Dogs for their support of the conference.
Also a special thanks to Guide Dogs NSW/ACT for providing Orientation and Mobility assistance by Guide Dog Mobility Instructors (GDMI’s) who made themselves available for orientation of the conference venue and surrounds to attendees.
Day 1: Saturday 10 November 2018
Opening 9:30 am – 10:00 am
Title: Opening Session
Co-Chairs: Nadia Mattiazzo – President Dr Kevin Murfitt – Vice-President.
- Welcome
- Acknowledgement to Country
- House-keeping announcements
- Roll Call
Session 1 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Title: Keynote Address.
Chair: Greg Madson – Treasurer
Presenter: Cheng Hock Ku
Mr Kua was the first person living in Singapore to use a dog guide. He will speak about his experience as well as the establishment of dog guide services in Singapore.
Session 1 audio (mp3 65 minutes)
(15 minutes) Group Photo of delegates and dogs.
Session 2 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Title: Past, present and Future of dog guide mobility.
Chair: Rowena Dowling
Past: (30 minutes)
Greg Madson to present tributes and profiles of Tom Blair, Leigh Garwood, Eric Hatchley and Phyllis Gration.
Present: (30 minutes)
Paul Adrian, Guide Dog Services Manager, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT to present overview of topics from IDGF conference.
Future; (30 mins)
DogBot: The Robotic Dog Guide.
Rowena Dowling to present research and audio described video of advances in AI robotic dogs.
Session 2 audio (mp3 85 minutes)
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Lunch
Session 3 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Title: Innovations and emerging trends in dog guide mobility.
Chair: Nadia Mattiazzo
Martine Abel-Williamson, New Zealand, to discuss couples being trained to share a dog.
Panel of presenters.
Session 3 audio (mp3 85 minutes)
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm: Afternoon tea.
Session 4 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Recreational opportunities.
- Optional walk for dogs and handlers escorted by volunteers.
- Optional visit to a nearby coffee shop.
Conference Dinner 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm
At the saturday night dinner the Judith Killen Golden Harness Award was presented to Joyce Jones. Peter Greco interviewed Joyce on Vision Extra regarding receiving the award. If you would like to listen to the interview, please go to:
Interview with Joyce Jones on Vision Extra
Day Two: Sunday 11 November 2018
Session 4 8:30 am- 10:00 am
Title: feedback on DGHA Strategic Plan and AGM.
- Welcome
- House-keeping announcements
- Acknowledgement to Country
An opportunity for the membership to discuss and provide feedback regarding future direction of DGHA.
Annual General Meeting 9.15 am – 10.00 am
Nadia Mattiazzo – President
Greg Madson –Treasurer
- Roll Call
- Apologies
- acceptance of 2017 AGM Minutes
- President’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Election of Committee
- Other Business
Session 5 10.00 am – 11.00 am
Title: International Travel with dog guides.
Chair: Joyce Jones – Secretary.
Dr Kevin Murfitt, who travelled to South Africa with his dog guide.
Nadia Mattiazzo, who travelled with her dog guide on a Cruise ship.
Greg Madson, who travelled on Indian Pacific train with his dog guide.
Session 5 audio (mp3 55 minutes)
11.00 am – 11.30 am Morning Tea
Session 6 11.30 am – 1.00 pm
Title: Tellington T Touch Technique
Chair: Rowena Dowling
Presenters: Andy Robertson – Companion Animal T Touch Instructor and second colleague
Overview and practical demonstration of the Tellington T Touch technique for dogs.
Session 6 audio (mp3 85 minutes)
1.00pm – 2.00 pm: Lunch.
Session 7 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm
Title: NDIS And dog guide funding.
Chair: Dr Kevin Murfitt
Panel of speakers, handlers with dog guides funded under NDIS. (self managed and agency managed funding).
Panel members:
- Gisele Mesnage
- Krystel Malcolm
- Katie Butler
- Emma Bennison for Blind Citizens Australia
Session 7 audio (mp3 85 minutes)
3.30 pm – 4.00 pm. Afternoon Tea.
4 pm: Conference concludes.
Audio of DGHA 2016 National Conference
Below you will find links to audio of the DGHA 2016 National Conference sessions. In total we had 7 sessions over 2 days, the DGHA 2016 AGM, and a dinner, which included presentation of the Judith Killen Golden Harness Award.
Day One Saturday 22 October
Session 1
After Acknowledgement of country, welcome and roll Call, Chair: Rowena Dowling, Co-president, hands over to Chair of Session1, David Foran, Co-president.
Title: Equitable and Dignified Access.
Kelly Vincent MLC.
Kelly Vincent is the Dignity for Disability Party’s representative in the South Australian Parliament. She was elected to the Legislative Council in 2010 in an event that made history.
Kelly is the first South Australian politician to permanently use a wheelchair for mobility, the youngest woman ever elected to an Australian parliament and the first Australian to be elected on the platform of disability rights.
Presentation and Q&A discussion forum lead by Kelly Vincent, on the challenges of equitable access for people with disability.
Defining and exploring “Equitable and Dignified Access”. What should we reasonably expect? How do we recognise it? What are effective strategies for action when we don’t receive it? What is the relationship between access and inclusion? Some guidance, advice and insights regarding effective advocacy drawing upon Kelly’s experiences both in and out of politics.
Audio length approx. 1 hour 15 minutes.
Session 2
Title: Emerging Trends and Techniques in Dog Guide Training.
Jason Stankoski, Instructor, Guide Dogs QLD – discussion and demonstration of the development of a light-weight prototype harness.
Paul Adrian, Guide Dog Services Manager, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT provides an update and overview of the International Guide Dog Conference.
Harry van der Jagt, National Manager, Client Services, Seeing Eye Dogs, Vision Australia discusses emerging trends.
Chair: Rowena Dowling, DGHA Co-President.
Audio length approx. 1 hour 30 minutes.
Session 3
Title: National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and My Aged Care (MAC).
How does the NDIS and MAC impact on us as consumers?
Dr Lloyd Walker, Director Assistive Technology, Market and Providers Division from the National Disability Insurance Agency speaks about the NDIS with particular reference to the provision of dog guides and related services to eligible participants.
Tony Starkey, Accessibility Coordinator for the Royal Society for the Blind and current Chair of the Australian Blindness Forum speaks about the NDIS and MAC from the perspective of the blindness sector.
Chair: Nadia Mattiazzo, DGHA Vice President.
Audio length approx 1 hour 30 minutes.
Session 4
Title: Tellington Touch.
Millie Miller, Qualified Tellington Touch Practitioner and Dominique Hewitt, Accredited T Touch practitioner.
Discussion and practical demonstration of the Tellington Touch Technique.
TTouch® is the method of gentle non-habitual bodywork, developed by Linda Tellington-Jones, PhD (Hon). It is based on a philosophy of mutual respect, co-operation and can effectively facilitate non-verbal communication with animals. It is comprised of light pressure slides, lifts and circular touches that can be used in combination with other aspects of the Tellington Method using body wraps and groundwork movement exercises.
Chair: David Foran, DGHA Co-president.
Audio length approx 1 hour 30 minutes.
Presentation of the Judith Killen 2016 Golden Harness Award
At the conclusion of day 1, during the conference dinner, we had the presentation of the Judith Killen Golden Harness Award.

The Judith Killen Golden Harness Award is presented to a person for their outstanding efforts in fostering, representing, promoting, enhancing and protecting the interests of Australians who are blind or vision impaired and who use a dog guide.
Dog Guide Handlers Australia would like to congratulate Ray Joyce, the recipient of the 2016 Judith Killen Golden Harness Award.

Ray was unable to attend the conference in person, but we did interview Ray prior to the conference and have this audio;
Audio Length approx. 20 minutes.
Ray Joyce Golden Harness Award audio (mp3 format 10mb)
Paul Adrian, a long time Colleague of Ray, was at the conference dinner and had this to say about Ray:
Audio length approx. 10 minutes.
Day Two Sunday 23 October 2016
Dog Guide Handlers Australia 2016 Annual General Meeting.
Chair: Rowena Dowling, DGHA Co-president and Greg Madson, DGHA Treasurer.
Audio Length approx. 40 minutes.
Session 5
Title: Assistance Dog Legislation/Accreditation.
Richard Lord, Chief Executive Officer, Assistance Dogs Australia.
Sharon Scott, Director of Training, Paws for Diabetes.
Jaci Armstrong, a handler who through her involvement in peer support, is a strong and vocal advocate for inclusive practices. This includes her work as policy officer for Guide Dogs Australia towards reforming current relevant legislation.
A panel discussion around the need for establishing nationally consistent legislation for Assistance Dog access, and national standards for assistance dog training, public access testing and accreditation.
Chair: Greg Madson, DGHA Treasurer.
During this session 2 papers were mentioned; for your infomation we provide copies of those papers here:
Assistance Animals and the need for uniform legislation (RTF doc 3mb)
DISABILITY ASSISTANCE ANIMALS OR NOT? Problems in Policy and Practice (Word docx 70kb)
Audio length approx 1 hour 20 minutes.
Session 6
Title: International Travel with a Dog Guide.
Martine Abel-Williamson – World Blind Union
Francois Jacobs – Business Analyst and Research Assistant.
Martine is a Table Officer of the World Blind Union and the WBU Objective Lead – Access to the Environment and Transport. Martine recently attended and presented at the WBU General Assembly regarding the latest survey results launched about international travel with a dog guide. Francois now lives in Melbourne and was the Assistant Researcher for this important Project. This research was sanctioned by the World Blind Union and supported by the International Guide Dog Federation. The presentation was followed by questions/discussion.
Chair: Nadia Mattiazzo, DGHA Vice President.
Audio length approx 1 hour.
Session 7
Title: Tips and Tricks.
An interactive session with handler input on a range of topics.
Chair: Joyce Jones, DGHA Co-Secretary.
Final Session.
Title: Dog Guide Handlers Australia member issues.
An interactive session with handler input on a range of dog guide issues.
Chair: Nadia Mattiazzo, DGHA Vice President.
Closing Remarks and Conference Concludes.
Chair: Rowena Dowling and David Foran, DGHA Co-presidents.
Audio length approx 45 minutes.
Audio of DGHA 2014 National Conference
A first in Australia! In 2014 on the weekend of 6th and 7th September, Dog Guide Handlers Australia held its first ever conference. Held in Adelaide at the Grand Chifley, the conference was a fantastic success bringing Dog Guide Handlers, their dog guides, instructors and speakers from around Australia together, to participate in a range of workshops and engage in some great networking and peer support activity.
Recordings of the DGHA 2014 Conference are availible. Please use the links below to access the audio. Some files are quite large and might take a few minutes to start.
Day 1 – Saturday 6 September 2014.
- Workshop 1 After a rollcall we hear from David Foran on Dog Guides and the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Audio length around 110 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 2 We hear From Paul Adrian, Manager Guide Dog Services – Victoria Guide Dogs, about the history of dog guide training up to the latest Clicker Training methods. Audio length around 75 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 3 We hear from Harry Van Der Jagt, National Manager Client Services – Seeing Eye Dogs Australia, and some experienced dog guide handlers about the range of equipment used with dog guides. Audio length around 50 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 4 Dorothy Docherty, Consumer Advisory Representative – Guide Dogs Victoria, and Nadia Mattiazzo – Consumer Advisory Representative – Seeing Eye Dogs Australia, speak about dog guide handlers and schools working together. Audio length around 55 minutes in MP3 format.
- DGHA 2014 AGM Dog Guide Handlers Australia 2014 Annual General Meeting. Audio length around 30 minutes in MP3 format.
Presentation of the Judith Killen 2014 Golden Harness Award
During the conference dinner, the inaugural Dog Guide Handlers Australia Judith Killen Golden Harness Award was presented. This award is presented to a person for their outstanding efforts in fostering, representing, promoting, enhancing and protecting the interests of Australians who are blind or vision impaired and who use a dog guide.
Dog Guide Handlers Australia would like to congratulate Rowena Dowling, the first ever recipient of the Judith Killen Golden Harness Award.
Peter Greco from the RPH Adelaide radio show “Focal Point” interviewed Rowena on her receiving the award. Rowena’s interview is about 10 minutes in. To listen go to Focal Point
Episode 366 of the Blind Citizens Australia radio show, New Horizons, featured Joyce Jones, an attendee at the DGHA 2014 conference, and Rowena Dowling, speaking on recieving her Golden Harness Award.
to listen go to New Horizons episode 366
Day 2 – Sunday 7 September 2014.
- Workshop 5 Beth Critchley, Certified canine natural therapist from Naturopaws, speaks about caring for your dog guide. Audio length around 40 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 6 Harry van der Jagt, National Manager Client Services SEDA, speaks about the New SEDA kennels and Recent discussions with Melbourne Zoo on Dog Guide Access. Audio length around 50 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 7 Daisy Holt, cadet Guide Dog Mobility Instructor – Royal Society for the Blind South Australia, speaks about training with other breeds for use as dog guides. Audio length around 30 minutes in MP3 format.
- Workshop 8 Dog Guide Handlers Australia members, Nadia Mattiazzo, Nicole Damarra and Tracey Cross discuss various issues including – traveling with your dog guide, dog distraction, pet insurance, retiring a dog guide and starting with a new dog guide and tips and tricks. Audio length around 45 minutes in MP3 format.
Download or Listen to Audio Recordings of Members Meetings
Here you will find audio of guest speaker presentations at DGHA members meetings.
Uber Service Assistance Program and refusals with taxi and rideshare services
Guest presenters at our 23 March members meeting were , Chris Edwards Vision Australia Manager Government Relations and Advocacy.
Jane Britt Blind Citizens Australia Team Leader, Policy and Advocacy
Martin Stewart Blind Citizens Australia Team Leader, Policy and Advocacy
Discussion on the Uber Service Assistance Program. And, Dog Guide refusals with taxi and rideshare services.
The duration is 1 hour 15 minutes, and the file size is 39Mb, in mp3 format.
Samantha O’Keefe Therapy Dogs and Ally Burnham Canine Court Companion Program
Guest presenters at our 29 September members meeting were Samantha O’Keefe, Therapy Dogs Co-ordinator Guide Dogs New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory and Ally Burnham, Volunteer with Guide Dogs New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory Canine Court Companion Program
The duration is 58 minutes, and the file size is 29Mb, in mp3 format.
Session about Tele-Health Services and Supports
Guest presenters Aaron Horsington, Team Leader, Guide Dog Client Services, Guide Dogs Victoria, and Brooke Anderson, Seeing Eye Dog Instructor, Vision Australia.
We had two great presenters from Melbourne (currently in lockdown) to explain all about the Tele-Health services available to us during this time of restricted mobility. Many of these services could remain as options post the Covid-19 pandemic if feasible.
The duration is 52 minutes, and the file size is 25Mb, in mp3 format.
Amber Yarde from Community and Mainstream Engagement NDIS
guest presenter Amber Yarde, Assistant Director, Victoria, Community and Mainstream Engagement, Community and Mainstream Engagement Branch National Disability Insurance Agency.
Amber started with a short talk about NDIS support for dog-guides and handlers. She then answered questions related to NDIA policy and funding for dog-guides and handlers.
The duration is 1 hour 20 minutes, and the file size is 30.8Mb, in mp3 format.
Zoren Milasinovich a vet from Green Cross Vets
Guest presenter Zoren Milasinovich the vet from Green Cross Vets in Narre Warren.
Zoran starts with a short talk about some common first aid situations and how you might handle these if you are blind or have low vision. He then answers questions on health, maintenance and general care of dog guides.
The duration is 1 hour 12 minutes, and the file size is 30.6Mb, in mp3 format.
Developments in Technology Influencing the Future of O&M
Presenters at this meeting are Nicole Homes – Access & Technology Officer & Kelly Prentice – O&M Specialist from Guide Dogs NSW/ACT who spoke about developments in technology influencing the future of O&M. This includes the use of video streaming, Bluetooth beacons & the changing face of O&M services.
The duration is 45 minutes, and the file size is 24 Mb, in mp3 format.
Kim Ryan on Puppy Development in Tasmania
A special presentation by Kim Ryan, from Guide Dogs Tasmania. Kim speaks about the puppy development program in Tasmania.
The duration is 48 minutes, and the file size is 27.1 Mb, in mp3 format.
Cheng Hock Kua on Dog Guide Services in Singapore
A special presentation from Cheng Hock Kua, the founder of the first Guide Dog Service in Singapore. Cheng Hock is blind and uses a guide dog, and is passionate about advocating for the use of guide dogs in Singapore, and to provide the opportunity for people who are blind or vision impaired in Singapore to train with a dog guide.
The duration is 42 minutes, and the file size is 19.5 Mb, in mp3 format.
Fidelco Foundation – German Shepherds as Guides – part 1
Part 1 of a special 2 part presentation from the Fidelco Foundation in the USA, which breeds and trains German Shepherds as Guides.
The duration of part 1 is around 40 minutes, and the file size is around 38Mb
Fidelco Foundation – German Shepherds as Guides – part 2
Part 2 of this 2 Part presentation from the Fidelco Foundation in the USA, which breeds and trains German Shepherds as Guides.
part 2 duration is around 40 minutes and the file size is around 24Mb, in mp3 format.
Penny Stevenson – Orientation & Mobility Instructor
A special presentation from DGHA member, Penny Stevenson. Penny speaks about her personal experience as a vision impaired dog guide user, and her professional experience as an Orientation & Mobility Instructor.
The duration is 46 minutes, and the file size is 21.3Mb, in mp3 format.
Robert Acosta on Accessible World
A special presentation from Robert Acosta, from Accessible World .
Robert speaks about the extensive online discussion forums, archives, and audio information available for download. A link to the Accessible World website is provided on our resources page.
The duration is 37 minutes, and the file size is 17 Mb, in mp3 format.
Dr Donna Bennett on Dog Nutrition
A special presentation from Dr Donna Bennett, a veterinarian who speaks about dog nutrition.
The duration is 58 minutes, and the file size is 23 Mb, in mp3 format.
Brooke Marsh Animal Physiotherapist
A very interesting presentation from Brooke Marsh an Animal Physiotherapist in Queensland.
The duration is 1 hour 8 minutes, and the file size is 29 Mb, in mp3 format.
Daniel Kish on Echo Location
Daniel Kish speaks about his navigation method, Flashsonar.
The duration is 1 hour 13 minutes, and the file size is 34 Mb, in mp3 format.