Report your Dog Guide refusal
Dear DGHA Supporters,
Our Board is becoming acutely aware of the need for advocacy around Dog Guide refusals in Australia with continuing reports on our social media channels and from our members facing refusals to taxi and rideshare services, hospitality venues, accommodation providers and various other businesses and services.
As part of our mission to foster, represent, promote, enhance and protect the interests of Australians who are Dog Guide handlers, we are asking people who use Dog Guides as mobility aids across Australia to share the details of any refusal incidents to support our advocacy work. We aim to capture a detailed picture of the scope of this discrimination problem so that we can address the legislation at Government level.
We are not using this information to advocate individually for those who report incidents using this form, this data will be used only for systemic advocacy.
So far we have compiled information gathered from our refusal form up to October 2022 and created a report. You can get a copy here: DGHA Refusal Report October 2022
To assist us with future reports please consider filling out the refusal form below.
Please only report one incident per form and incidents that have occurred from 2022 onwards.
Please read all the instructions carefully before filling in the form.
To avoid an inaccessible CAPTCHA at the end of this form, please ensure you are signed in to a Google account before you begin.
You can also download this questionnaire in Dog Guide Refusal Form in Word Format or Dog Guide Refusal form in rtf Format to complete and return to DGHA via email dgha@dgha.org.au
If for some reason you are unable to access this form or download the document versions of the form, please contact DGHA by emailing dgha@dgha.org.au
Thank you in advance for contributing to a solution.
Oh Crap partnership
Anyone who attended the last DGHA conference with a Dog Guide will have received a couple of rolls of Oh Crap poo bags as part of their goodie bag.
DGHA have partnered with Oh Crap and by using the below link you will receive a discount on your purchase and a percentage of your purchase will go to DGHA.
Go to Oh Crap partnership page
They stock traditional poop bags and bags with handles in various quantities and many other accessories.
Please check them out!
About Dog Guide Handlers Australia
Dog Guide Handlers Australia (DGHA) is an independent non profit association of dog guide handlers , and is not affiliated with any dog guide organisation.
Our Mission:
DGHA strives to foster, represent, promote, enhance and protect the interests of Australians who are dog guide handlers.
Key Objectives
DGHA draws on the experiences and varied knowledge of its members, to provide peer support, advocacy and information for dog guide handlers throughout Australia.
Background Information
Dog Guide Handlers Australia was formed in August 2009 by four passionate people who were inspired by similar groups which exist in other countries.
DGHA was registered as an incorporated association in January 2011.
DGHA does not have a physical office, and we have no paid staff.
The DGHA Committee is a group of dedicated volunteers who meet regularly via teleconference.
Some of our activities include:
- Advocating against dog guide refusals to taxi and rideshare services, hospitality venues, accommodation providers and various other businesses and services.
- DGHA hosts biennial national conferences around Australia, to enable people with dog guides to meet together for peer support, networking, sharing information and participating in various workshop sessions and discussion forums.
- DGHA hosts regular on-line members meetings, with invited guest speakers, and focus topic discussions.
- Establishing availability of toileting areas for dog guide and service/assistance dogs within Australian airports.
- Representation on external consultations on issues that affect people with disability.