To all dog guide handlers in Australia. Welcome to 2022. Hope this year is a good one for you and your dog.
Category: Information
Dog Guide Handlers Australia Annual General Meeting – 25 March 2020
Notice is hereby given that the delayed DGHA (Inc) AGM, as approved by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection (WA) under the Associations Incorporation Act (2015), will be held on the 25th March 2020.
When: Wednesday 25 March 2020 by Teleconference.
The meeting will be held at 5pm in WA, 8pm in NSW and VIC.
Please note: check your local time.
- Welcome and Roll Call
- Approval of 2018 DGHA AGM Minutes
- Approval of 2019 Annual Reports
- Voting on Elections to Committee
- Special Resolution: that members approve the revised DGHA (Inc)constitution as drafted in compliance with the new rules under the Associations Incorporations Act (2015) (WA)
Please note: A copy of the proposed new rules and an explanatory document will be sent out to members in early March, along with phone in details for the AGM.
Nominations for Committee
As per the DGHA constitution, this year, due to rotation of committee members, the positions of Vice-President, Secretary, and up to 4 other committee members are due for election.
Current committee members that have completed their term are:
Executive Committee Members:
Vice-President – Claudia (Penny) Stevenson (has actually served only 1 year in this position due to an out of cycle vacancy arisen from the resignation of Kevin Murfitt as Vice-President in 2018 in order for him to nominate for President),
And Secretary Joyce Jones.
Committee Members:
Jamie Kelly
Bev Best
Warwick Best
All Executive and committee members above are eligible for re-election and are keen to continue contributing to the DGHA committee of management.
If you would like to nominate for positions on the DGHA committee, please complete the DGHA committee nomination form and return by email no later than 26/02/2020 to
Yours sincerely, Kevin Murfitt, President, DGHA
DGHA 2016 National Conference
Dog Guide Handlers Australia is holding its second national conference in Adelaide.
The Conference is being held on the weekend of Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 October 2016 at the Sage Hotel in South Terrace Adelaide.
For the full information, please go to our 2016 National Conference page
Best Dry Dog Food in Australia
The link below will take you to a very good review of dry dog food found in Australia. It has Comprehensive detail on the Ingredients and nutritional value of each major dry dog food that can be purchased in Australia.